"The Big kids call me Mercury cause I'm the swiftest thing in the neighborhood."

"The Big kids call me Mercury cause I'm the swiftest thing in the neighborhood."Raymond's Run is about a girl name Squeaky who is preparing for a track meet. She later builds confidence in her running and beats a girl name Gretchen in the race.

Monday, January 16, 2012

All about Squeaky

Hi, my name is Hazel Elizabeth Deborah Parker which everybody calls me Squeaky. I got the name Squeaky because I have a squeaky voice. I am the the youngest out of my family.I have two older brothers George and Raymond. I have very little chores around the house. My mom cleans the house and my dad and brother George both work. I think of Raymond as my little brother because i look after him.If someone comes up to Raymond and talks about him, I am there to defend him. If I feel things are getting out of hand I will run. If you ask anyone, they will say that girl can run. I won the twenty-yard dash in kindergarten and i used to win the fifty-yard dash. But tomorow I'm going to win 1st place in the quarter meter. I also know that I'm going to beat Gretchen. She thinks that she is going to win but she need to wait and see because I'm swift and can out run anyone.

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