"The Big kids call me Mercury cause I'm the swiftest thing in the neighborhood."

"The Big kids call me Mercury cause I'm the swiftest thing in the neighborhood."Raymond's Run is about a girl name Squeaky who is preparing for a track meet. She later builds confidence in her running and beats a girl name Gretchen in the race.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Today, I'm just practicing for the big May day race tomorrow. Going down Broadway practicing my breathing exercises and running. I can't wait to the May day race because I know I'm going to win. I been practicing all week 24/7 and I know that Gretchen haven't. She probably at home relaxing or hanging with friends, while I'm running a mile and seven minutes. I no that I have it in the bag because practice makes perfect. But I also can't wait until its over because Gretchen is just getting on my last nerve. She is always thinking that she is better and is going win. I just want to see her lose. I have gained a lot of confidence and know I will win. May the best player win.

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