"The Big kids call me Mercury cause I'm the swiftest thing in the neighborhood."

"The Big kids call me Mercury cause I'm the swiftest thing in the neighborhood."Raymond's Run is about a girl name Squeaky who is preparing for a track meet. She later builds confidence in her running and beats a girl name Gretchen in the race.

Monday, January 16, 2012

All about Squeaky

Hi, my name is Hazel Elizabeth Deborah Parker which everybody calls me Squeaky. I got the name Squeaky because I have a squeaky voice. I am the the youngest out of my family.I have two older brothers George and Raymond. I have very little chores around the house. My mom cleans the house and my dad and brother George both work. I think of Raymond as my little brother because i look after him.If someone comes up to Raymond and talks about him, I am there to defend him. If I feel things are getting out of hand I will run. If you ask anyone, they will say that girl can run. I won the twenty-yard dash in kindergarten and i used to win the fifty-yard dash. But tomorow I'm going to win 1st place in the quarter meter. I also know that I'm going to beat Gretchen. She thinks that she is going to win but she need to wait and see because I'm swift and can out run anyone.


Today, I'm just practicing for the big May day race tomorrow. Going down Broadway practicing my breathing exercises and running. I can't wait to the May day race because I know I'm going to win. I been practicing all week 24/7 and I know that Gretchen haven't. She probably at home relaxing or hanging with friends, while I'm running a mile and seven minutes. I no that I have it in the bag because practice makes perfect. But I also can't wait until its over because Gretchen is just getting on my last nerve. She is always thinking that she is better and is going win. I just want to see her lose. I have gained a lot of confidence and know I will win. May the best player win.

Today's the day

Today's the day of the May day race. It is finallly here. I have been waiting for this day a long time. I'm ready to run and ready to win. So i put Raymond in the swings, and went to get my number. My lucky number is 7 and thats the number on the pin given to me. I waited to be called. So when i got my number, Mr.earson ask me if i am going to lose the race on purpose just so someone else can win. He said that i should let Gretchen win. I said to myself why should I let someone win who don't even like me. I took my number and stretched out in the grass watching the other kids run. I can see that Gretchen is my competition she is good but I'm better and i am going to win. So the race began, I heard Raymond cheering for me. I got in my running position and took off. But as I was running I seen Raymond on the other side of the fence running. I wanted to stop and look since I never seen him run before, but I was close to the finish line and went right pass the white ribbon.   

Running with Raymond

After I cross the line they were about to announce who won but all of a sudden there were static and people yelling and I was wondering who won. Then Gretchen look at me and was wondering who won. Then I heard my brother Raymond yanking at the fence trying to get my attention. Then he climb over the fence and ran to me. I was thinking that Raymond would be a great runner. He always keeps up with me when I'm running. He knows how to do breathing counts and he has a unique style of running. I was just standing there thinking about being Raymond's coach because I have medals and ribbons and trophies but Raymond don't have anything. The spokesman finally said the winner. I came in first place and Gretchen came in second. Gretchen congratulate me on winning and we both was standing there smiling and being nice for the first time. I also was thinking that I could ask Gretchen to help coach Raymond since she is a great runner to. So everything paid off. I won the quarter meter race, Gretchen and me are on the ok side, and I am taking up a career by coaching my big brother Raymond.